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Fact Sheet: Global Mangrove Alliance

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The Global Mangrove Alliance Philippines Chapter is a national chapter of the Global Mangrove Alliance. The Alliance brings together NGOs, governments, scientists, industries, local communities, and funders towards the common goal of ‘increasing the global area of mangrove habitat through conservation, restoration, and equitable management.

Our Membership

Core Members

  • Wetlands International Philippines
  • Conservation International Philippines
  • World Wide Fund for Nature – Philippines
  • RARE Philippines
  • Zoological Society of London – Philippines

Associate Members

  • Forest Foundation Philippines
  • Oceana Philippines
  • Oceanus Conservation
  • Mangrove Matters

Individual Members

  • Dr. Severino G. Salmo, III
  • Mr. Enrique A. Nunez, Jr.
  • Dr. Dixon T. Gevana

Download the GMA Philippines fact sheet
